Serving Commerce since 1895
FOR THE 2019-2020 YEAR
Sundays, 10:30 a.m.
Temporarily Cancelled Due to Coronavirus
* Parents should take their PK, KN, and 1st graders to the parish hall. They will meet in the same classroom as last year.
* Grades 2 through 12 will meet in the new Natalie Salisbury Education Center (NSEC), with grades 2-5 downstairs, and 6-12 upstairs.
* If you have not yet enrolled your children, please go to the Church Office and enroll them before sending them to class.
* All cars leaving Mass must exit through the West exit as the others exits will be marked with cones/closed after Mass.
Thank you!
Natalie Salisbury, the former Cantor/Music Director and CCD Director of St. Joseph, passed away suddenly October 14. Because of her dedication to the parish and to the students of the parish, the Parish Council has voted to name the future educational center in her honor.
Donations are welcome in order to remodel and outfit the new Natalie Salisbury Educational Center. Rooms will all need audio visual equipment, tables, whiteboards, and other tools for learning. Please call the office at 903-886-7135 to make a donation.
Religious Education (CCD K-7th)
Confirmation (8th grade)
Youth Ministry (9th-12th)
Others contact the Pastor
RCIA (Adult)
On each of the following pages you will find links to the rich offering of our program which are age appropriate and educational in the faith.
You will find the curriculum for each grade level and the schedule of classes. You will also find pages to register for these programs.
The cost is $75.00 per family.
We encourage parents to become involved with their child in these opportunities.
The Basic Prayers and Catholic Practices are things that every Catholic should be, not only aware of, but maybe even have memorized.